Microsoft office for mac 2019 cheap price. Open Terminal app and type the following command to delete old preferences. Go to ~/Library/Preferences and delete Outlook preference file (file name starts with “”). Solution 2:- (Remove Outlook preference file) Then select the office folder and find Microsoft Database
Method 3: Open Applications and choose Microsoft Office 2011 folder. After it finished the process, click the Done button and close the Microsoft Database utility. Method 2: Press and hold Alt key (windows) and click the Outlook icon on on the Dock (If the icon not appears on dock, Go to /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011 folder and drag the outlook file to Dock). Method 1: Press and hold Option key when launching Outlook to rebuild the identity.
Splash screen comes up and then disappears again.Then the program quit. Outlook 2011 for Mac application won’t launch or start.